Motorcycle Lean Angle Tips

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Last Updated: April 25th, 2024

Kelly Lean Into It 1024x686 1

Motorbike cornering tips

Leaning a motorcycle is a sensory experience most motorcyclists enjoy.  That rush of leaning the motorcycle keeps us coming back for more.  How do we know when to say when?  How much lean angle is too much?


Lean Angle Protractor


When cornering at speed (above 12 to 18), leaning a motorcycle in the direction of the turn is crucial to ensure we make the corner.  One of the most efficient ways to initiate that lean is by pressing forward on the handlebar grip in the direction of turn.  Essentially, if you want to corner to the right when at speed, press forward on the right handlebar grip to initiate instability which causes motorcycle lean.  This technique is called countersteering.  How much we press is a major key to determining how much lean angle we will generate.

If the act of leaning a motorcycle is this simple, why does leaning a motorcycle at speed initially fill us with trepidation?  Why do we have a tendency to resist leaning the motorcycle?

Click the image above for the MotoGP Lean Angle Experience
Click the image above for a video showing the MotoGP Lean Angle Experience


There are various reasons for why we resist leaning, but the primary reason comes from Bernt Spiegel’s book, “The Upper Half of the Motorcycle”.  Essentially, he says that throughout our two-legged existence, we have developed an internal program that allows us to lean a motorcycle, but only up to a certain point.  That point, he claims, is found throughout nature and is 20 degrees (see image below).

Human Lean Angle Limitation
Image Courtesy of Bernt Spiegel’s “Upper Half of the Motorcycle”

Fortunately for us, Bernt says that there are ways we can exceed our natural capacity.


Elements like tires, motorcycle type, ground clearance, and other items come into play when we consider the maximum possible lean angle we can create, but first and foremost, riders need to overcome the controlling internal program that pre-sets lean angle limits to 20 degrees.  In a process called self-optimization, repetition and practice, without external intervention, helps us become more capable of reaching the 20 degree lean angle limit.  We can even break through that limit as we gain a sense of stability in the leaning action.

Lee Parks provides coaching to help Ron Arieli overcome a challenge on the track
Lee Parks provides coaching to help Ron Arieli overcome a challenge on the track

During the maturation of the self-optimization process, we eventually come to dead ends.  When we as riders are confronted with barriers and skill plateaus, a coach can skillfully interrupt to help a rider overcome their challenges.  Adding additional lean angle can simply be a matter of receiving the appropriate external input at the right time; in essence, skillful coaching.

So, how low can you go?  From rider to rider, the answer varies.  One constant remains; if you want to add skill, increase your lean angle, and improve your comfort on two wheels, there is room for rider training to help you accomplish one or all of these elements.

Are you ready to make the plunge?  Check out these possible course options happening in the next two months:




We look forward to seeing you in the mix.  As always, we’d love to hear from you.  Contact us if you have questions about learning to ride a motorcycle. TEAM AZ is Arizona’s best motorcycle training organization. If you have any experiences with lean angles you’d like to share, email us:

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