Riding a Motorcycle In The Rain Safety Tips

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Last Updated: November 7th, 2023

image of a bunch of parked motorcycles with raindrops on them

As a motorcycling enthusiast, you’re bound to encounter wet weather at some point during your rides. While rain might put a damper on your plans, it doesn’t mean you have to hang up your helmet and wait for sunny skies. Riding a motorcycle in the rain can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, but you will need to prioritize safety while navigating wet roads. Read on for valuable tips to prepare yourself, your motorcycle, and your riding technique for a rainy adventure. TEAM Arizona is here to provide top-notch motorcycle training and safety tips to keep you confidently cruising, come rain or shine!

Inspect Your Ride

We prescribe to using the T-CLOCS methodology for a pre-ride inspection. If we’re serious about reducing risk, then we need to be conscientious about this inspection. There is nothing like having peace of mind when starting out on a ride because you know your motorcycle is mechanically sound. And because riding in the rain requires planning for extra braking distance, we want to ensure that our motorcycle is in peak condition by thoroughly inspecting the following:

  • Tires- Check your tire for sufficient tread and groove depth to channel away the water on the surface. Ensure your tires have the correct tire pressure to allow for maximum available traction.
  • Brakes- Check that your brakes are working well and that the brake pads have sufficient material, as wet conditions demand we allow for additional braking distance. There is nothing wrong with doing a few practice stops in a parking lot to understand how our braking distance has been affected by the rain.
  • Lights- Riding in the rain can mean reduced visibility for all motorists. To guarantee we can be seen by motorists, especially when we are braking, we’ll want to check to make sure all lights are working properly before setting out on our journey. While on the journey, use your headlights, turn signals, and brake lights consistently and clearly to communicate your intentions

All About the Gear

Another way we can be more visible on the roadway is by wearing bright colored riding gear. Hi-viz, retroreflective material can help separate us from the surrounding environment for motorists who are suffering from limited visibility. A white, neon, or high-visibility vest and helmet can give us the upper hand in some situations. 

Being comfortable can be a huge benefit when riding in the rain. We won’t ride well if we are distracted by ill-fitting riding gear or gear that does not sufficiently protect us from all the environment is throwing at us (wind, rain, sleet, etc). Waterproof jackets, pants, gloves, and boots can keep you comfortable and focused while on the road. 

Modern gear may even be equipped with rain defense mechanisms. Some helmets provide anti-fogging lenses and breath guards to maximize visibility. Glove manufacturers are building their product with visor wipers to help us clear our visors so we can see the road. If you find yourself riding in rain quite often, you may even want to consider investing in a high end over suit that acts as entire rain defense mechanisms like some Aerostitch products.

Be Wary of Hidden Obstacles

Once you’re on the road, adjust your riding technique for the wet conditions. 

  • Slippery Spots

In areas like Arizona, where we can go lengthy periods without rain, we’ll want to remember that a first rain can be especially hazardous as oil, dirt, and contaminants are washed from the road surface. It can be bad enough that we may want to avoid riding for an hour or more until the surface is relatively contaminant free. When we ride, we’ll want to reduce our lean angles, brake lighter and longer, and avoid abrupt acceleration to prevent loss of traction. 

Keep a close eye on road conditions and avoid painted road markings and metal surfaces, which can become slippery when wet. A helpful tip is to stay in the tire tracks of the vehicle in front of you, as these are generally the driest areas on the road.

  • Puddles

Puddles and other collections of standing water on the road can be difficult to see while it is actively raining, so stay extra alert. Areas where water gathers can increase our risk of hydroplaning, so we’ll want to avoid them if possible.

Be Smooth on the Brake & Throttle

Planning is crucial when riding in the rain. Since our traction availability is reduced, we will need to plan farther ahead than when we ride in clear conditions. Remember that in the rain, stopping distances increase and we’ll need more time to get stopped. If we find ourselves unable to plan far enough ahead for our braking, then slowing down may be the remedy. Use both the front and rear brakes evenly, gradually, and precisely. Avoid sudden and hard braking, which can lead to skidding and loss of control. Apply pressure to both brakes gradually for maximum control over your motorcycle.

Increase Your Following Distance

Increase the distance between riders to allow for more braking distance and better visibility. Again, time is our friend and the more time we can allow ourselves to execute a hazard avoidance maneuver, the better. Allow yourself as many escape routes as possible in case traffic comes to a sudden stop. 

TEAM Arizona: Your Guide to Safe and Confident Rain Riding

Riding a motorcycle in the rain can be an exhilarating experience, but safety should always be the top priority. By preparing yourself and your motorcycle, in addition to adjusting your riding technique, you can confidently tackle wet road conditions. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t shy away from honing your skills in diverse weather conditions.

If you want to enhance your skills and confidence on the road, regardless of the weather, visit TEAM Arizona. Our professional safety RiderCourses cater to riders of all levels, ensuring you’re ready to tackle whatever weather comes your way. Gear up and ride safely, rain or shine!

Contact TEAM Arizona for more information, or sign up for our RiderCourse today!


Featured Image Credit: Mark_KA /Shutterstock


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Image of bill riding motorcycleBill Seltzer has been a Motorcycle Safety Foundation RiderCoach since 2003 and a Total Control Advanced Riding Instructor since 2011.  He currently serves as the Marketing Director for TEAM Arizona and is a member of the Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Planning committee.  Have questions or comments about the article?  Email him: Bill@MotorcycleTraining.com