Kelly’s Korner: On The Road to Independence

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Last Updated: February 5th, 2021


(Nicky Hayden, Winner of the 2006 MotoGP Championship with the American Flag)

As we celebrate our country’s official birthday, take a few moments to think about how the riding lifestyle creates independence in your life. This especially goes for my female readers, many of whom, like me, did not grow up with motorcycles and who discovered riding years after we think we should have. The combination of those two factors gives us, in particular, a unique appreciation for the liberties riding affords.

With that in mind, here are some areas where I find independence thanks to riding:
Dog in Yoga poseGiving myself permission to try something different and decide on my own whether I like it. Too often, we women juggling work and family and friends and homes and self-care, ad nauseam/ad infinitum, overlook the chance to branch out because we already are so slammed. And in that constant rush, we sometimes lose sight of our preferences. Riding restores the balance. One of the things I’ve learned I love? Straight-up, laugh-out-loud dirt biking. No overly technical single track, thanks. That sucks the joy for me. Never would I have discovered these opinions had I not realized one early-summer evening, Wow, I’m really bored on the back of this bike.

Allowing myself the time to contemplate.
Riding gives me an instant sense of a world beyond my day-to-day undertakings. It provides a release from — or chance to ponder and resolve — worries. It assures the space necessary to commune with my thoughts — basically, to go to a Zen state as I go wherever it is I’m going.

Challenging my comfort levels. As I take on unfamiliar aspects of riding to gauge what I like and what I don’t, I gain more confidence just by going outside of those bounds. And that added self-assurance spills over into work and home. Some areas where I’ve dared myself to do more include track and dirt riding.

Gathering unexpected experiences. Some of my favorite memories stem from doing something I never predicted I would, such as embarking on a long solo ride and hanging out with some of the coolest, craziest people.

(Famous scene from Mr. Mom where Michael Keaton’s character is informed he’s doing it WRONG.)

All told, each of these riding facets offers independence by separating me from “normal.” I love, too, that riding frees me from the parts of myself I don’t like and helps turn me into a better person. If it didn’t, I’d definitely be doing it wrong!

Ladies (and men), share your thoughts on this subject with me. And here’s to our continued adventurous independence through motorcycles!

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